Select applications will be used along with Aggie Enterprise to provide additional functionality.
Segmentor was developed to facilitate the creation and validation of Chart of Account and POET(AF) chart strings which can then be entered into Aggie Enterprise and related boundary applications. While this tool operates independently from the Aggie Enterprise system, the values and validation rules used by the Segmentor are the same as those in Aggie Enterprise. Segmentor is available to anyone with UC Davis Kerberos and Password. Review the Knowledge Base Article Using the Segmentor Tool for additional guidance.
Oracle Guided Learning
Aggie Enterprise Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) is a user assistance tool that provides the following features to help you as you work in the application:
- Interactive Guides
Leads you through individual steps, showing you what to do in real time within the software so that you can complete your work as you learn.
Smart Tips
Context-sensitive messages that prompt you to take action or provide tips and guidance as you work in the application.
Resource Links
Links to additional information that are available as knowledge base articles, instructional videos, and so on.
AggieDash (Tableau) - KFS to COA Converted Balance Crosswalk
A Tableau tool has been made available in AggieDash to make it easy for units to look up KFS FAUs and identify to which GL chart string they were converted.
This tool represents converted GL balances only. The data is a snapshot in time and is not intended to be used long-term.