Reports in Development

Browse Reports Currently in Development

A list of reports currently being developed, but not yet available in production to end-users.

Report Title Sort descending Report Description / Use Case Report Type Last Updated
AR Invoice Detail Report

Enhancements to the report include a new prompt for Award Org and new fields for Award Org, Paid Amount, Adjustment Amount, Credit/Refund Amount, and LOC Document (letter of credit or draws). The report output is adjusted to show the report grand total and Unpaid Amount. 

Currently in queue.

PPM to GL Reconciliation Report

New report that allows you to reconcile project balances between GL and PPM. The report will flag mismatches between GL and PPM balances so that you can troubleshoot the differences. 

Currently in testing phase.

Project Portfolio Management
UCD Faculty and Department Portfolio Expense Report

A report for reporting (Fiscal Year) Monthly expense detail at the Award, Project, and Task level. This will complement the existing Faculty and Department Portfolio Report which provides Budget, Commitment, Expenses and Balances as of a given date.

Currently in requirements phase.

Project Portfolio Management
UCD Gift Accounting Report

A new report for Accounting and Financial reporting that will pull active gift fee, revenue, expense, and endowment accounts which can be run monthly for posting allocations.

Report currently in requirements phase.

UCD GL Income Statement Report

Similar to UCD GL and Sub-ledger Reconciliation Report removing accounts 1XXXXX and 2XXXXX.

Currently in requirements phase.

UCD GL Oracle to Lawson Details Report

Get a daily transaction download report from Oracle that is a (by FAU-GL string) of Company 3210/10 and 3111 data.

Use this Oracle download to compare to a full download (by FAU-GL string) of Company 3210/10 and 3111 data out of Lawson.

Currently in testing phase.

UCD PGM Master Data Report

Enhancements to the report adds report headers, run dates, and other information to increase the usability of the report. Search prompts for Award Org and Project Org are adjusted so that parent values are also available, and search prompts are added for grand administrator and contract administrator. Other improvements are added to ensure consistency across the application and improve usability.

Currently in testing phase.

Project Portfolio Management
UCD PPM Budget History Report

A new report to allow Project Managers and Functional Users to extract all historical budget details for projects or group of projects.  This report will allow users to compare changes over time, and to ensure the GL balance for the project aligns with the PPM Project budget.

Currently in testing phase.

Project Portfolio Management
UCD PPM Sponsored Project Cost Report

New report that serves as supporting document for sponsored-project invoices. The report will include project costs that you can search by award or project and date ranges. You can also view sub-totals by cost category.

Currently in requirements phase.


Project Portfolio Management
UCD Student Financial Aid Checks Report

Student Accounting needs a report that shows the date on which their student federal aid checks have been cashed.

Report currently in requirements phase.

UCD Transaction Listing Detail Report

UCD Transaction Listing Report does not display the actual document number from the source system. The request is to add the actual document number to the report output (eg  if the JE source is AP, add the AP Invoice Number associated with the Journal Detail Line; or if the JE source is AR, add the AR Invoice Number associated with the Journal Detail Line; or if source is SCM, add the REQ number, PO number, Invoice Number, and Payment Number, etc)

Report currently in requirements phase.
