Supply Chain Aggie Enterprise News

Providing Context for New Employees

When onboarding a new employee in your department who will have purchasing responsibilities as part of their job, be sure to provide the necessary context for how your specific departmental purchasing works.  Doing this before they complete any training or start using Aggie Enterprise will make their learning process much more effective and efficient.  Each department has its own business processes, and it’s critical for new employees to thoroughly understand these processes. Some of the items you should review with your new employee:

Reporting Issues for Some Travel and Reimbursement Expenses

Recently, the Supply Chain Management data team learned that some travel and expense transaction data from the period of January 2024 through the end of May 2024 did not transfer into Cognos. The issues that caused the missing data have been identified and resolved.

To ensure you are aware of any relevant missing travel and expense data, we recommend reviewing the following spreadsheets:

Payment Request Timelines; Searching for Status

Due to a backlog of Payment Requests at this time, there may be a longer than average delay in processing. Please know the AP team understands the importance of getting these payments processed and is working hard to do so in a timely manner.

After the Payment Request is submitted to the Accounts Payable (AP) team, the team confirms that all supporting documentation has been included on the Payment Request PDF and then processes the request as soon as possible on a first-in, first-out basis.

Payment Issue Corrected on Invoices Assigned to Converted KFS POs

Before Aggie Enterprise went live, suppliers were asked to select a university preferred payment method. This is part of a system-wide strategy to encourage suppliers to accept payments that are more secure and to reduce administrative costs to the University. Those suppliers that did not select an option were defaulted to NET 60 payment terms for future orders and invoices. NET 60 indicates a payment will be issued within 60 calendar days from the invoice date.

Payment Requests: Include All Applicable Documents with Request

When submitting a Payment Request for an invoice not associated with an existing Purchase Order, be sure to include all applicable supporting documentation (receipt, bill, invoice, shipping label) with the initial Payment Request PDF document.  Do not send supporting documentation separately from the initial request, as this creates additional system requests and slows down the process of getting your initial request pr